Santé mentale: aplatissons la vague de détresse (in French)
Scotiabank, the Canadian Medical Association and MD Financial Management provide QPHP with financial support
At a time when physicians are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and burnout, the Québec Physicians’ Health Program is pleased with the funds received as part of the Physician Wellness+ Initiative. Scotiabank, the Canadian Medical Association and MD Financial Management have provided QPHP with financial support to help meet the immediate and long-term needs of […]
Détresse des travailleurs en santé : Entrevue avec la Dre Marie-Chantale Brien (in French)
Des médecins au bord du gouffre (in French)

Interview : Dr. Alain Bestavros and Dr. Marie-Chantale Brien discuss the QPHP (in French)
During the FMSQ’s Journées de formation interdisciplinaires held on november 19 and 20, Dr. Bestavros, Chair of the QPHP Board of Directors, and Dr. Brien, Director of Intervention, Prevention and Research, have sat together to talk about physician health.
Fundraising campaign – Québec Physicians’ Health Program Foundation
PRESS RELEASE While you care for Québec, who takes care of you? Montréal, November 3, 2021 – The Québec Physicians’ Health Program Foundation is launching its fundraising campaign: While you care for Québec, who takes care of you? As all healthcare professionals, physicians have been thrown off balance by COVID-19 over the last 20 months. […]
Retour à la normalité: Gare aux incivilités (in French)
Appointments to the QPHP
PRESS RELEASEFor immediate release Appointments to Québec Physicians’ Health Program Management Team Nicolas Ledoux named interim executive director Dr. Marie-Chantale Brien named director of Intervention, Prevention and Research Montréal, July 23, 2021 – Dr. Jacques G. Bergeron, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Québec Physicians’ Health Program (QPHP), is pleased to announce the […]
Des collègues dévoués
et de confiance (French only)
Departure of the Executive Director, Dr. Anne Magnan
PRESS RELEASEFor immediate release Québec Physicians’ Health ProgramDeparture of Dr. Anne Magnan, General Manager Montréal, May 31, 2021 – Dr. Jacques G. Bergeron, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Québec Physicians’ Health Program (QPHP), has announced the decision of Dr. Anne Magnan, the director of the organization, to step down from her duties […]